Saturday, October 17, 2020

Padmanabhapuram Palace - Royal Abode

The kings of Venadu, a small kingdom at the southernmost part of present day Kerala, expanded their territories over time and by the early 18th century had established the powerful Kingdom of Travancore which at its height controlled much of what is today the state of Kerala and the district of Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu as well as other territories. It eventually became a princely state of British India and merged with the Indian Union after independence in 1949.

In the early 1600s the kings of Venadu built a palace at Padmnabhapuram here on the Tamil Nadu side of the Kerala-Tamil Nadu border. Expanded upon by the Travancore kings, it served as their royal palace until 1795, when the capital was moved to Thiruvananthapuram.

Located about 13 km or 20 minutes from Nagercoil in the northwest direction, it is a remarkable example of Keralan architecture of the period. Large parts of it are entirely built of Jack-tree wood. Amazing wood craft.

Do not miss the museum of antiquities that is housed in the building to the right of the entrance that has very interesting artifacts found in the region and is decently curated. Many fine examples of granite carvings, stone inscriptions and copper plates.

Visited August 2019

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Chitharal - The Jain Legacy - சிதறால்

Jainism (சமணம் /அமணம்) in the Tamil country has a long and illustrious history beginning in the 3rd century BCE and lasting till about the 10th century when it eventually more or less disappeared. Today Tamil Jains are a minuscule minority. As you well know, during the first few centuries of the first millennium Jainism and Buddhism were the predominant religions in the Tamil country. Buddhism had an urban presence and there is very little evidence of its legacy to be seen today. The Jains on the other hand had a presence in remote areas too. They have left a rich legacy in our language, customs, beliefs etc. Some of the richest literary works like the Silapathikaram are Jain works. Kovalan and Kannagi were Jains. Manimekalai was Buddhist. Many Pandian kings of the early part of the first millennium were Jains. The Jains brought literacy to the masses through their schools. To this day, in the Tamil language, we call schools Pallikkoodam (பள்ளிக்கூடம்) after the Jain Pallis or monasteries.

There is plenty of physical evidence that the Jain monks have left behind in the hills, rocks and woods in the Tamil countryside. Many have been heavily vandalized over the centuries. Some are relatively inaccessible. Some have been lost to greedy granite quarries. Some others have survived and some of the most famous ones are in places like Sittannavasal. But here in the deep south, there is a place called Chitharal, about an hour northwest of Nagercoil (about 33 km), in the Thircharanattu Malai Hills (Charanathar means celestial beings in the Jain tradition), where you will be able to appreciate the ruins of a Jain monastery in a peaceful, tranquil and sylvan atmosphere. It was occupied by Jain monks from the 1st century BCE until the 9th century. It is beautiful. Go in the early morning or late afternoon. It gets very hot on the rocks by midday. It is a climb and you have to be fit. It is remote. Be safe. Sometimes hard to find. Be sure your driver knows where he is going. It is sometimes called the Bhagavathy Amman temple because it served as such briefly in the 13th century. The locals call it the Malaikovil.

Visited August 2019

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Nanjil Nadu - Kanyakumari and Nagercoil

Nanjil Nadu or Nanji Nadu (Nanjil means plough in Tamil) is an ancient land sandwiched between the lands of the Cherans (present day Kerala) and the Pandians. It was under the influence of one of these great powers at various times. The area was ruled by a dynasty called the Ay (ஆய்) from Sangam times till the 10th century. They were one of the original Velir kings of the Sangam era. They were originally herders (ஆயர் means herdsmen in Tamil). Their symbol was the elephant and their capital was at Vizhinjam near present day Trivandrum. Although they seem to have disappeared after the Chola conquest of this region in the 10th century, later rulers of this area like the Cheraman Perumals and the Travancore kings also claimed descent from them. 

The area is lush and green. Even in the heat of summer when we visited, it was beautifully verdant with lots of water and greenery. It is a veritable birder's paradise. Rubber plantations abound and many exotic spices grow here. To the north lie the tail-end of the Western Ghats with the ocean to the south. The Pothigai Hills where legend says that the first grammar of the Tamil language was written by the sage Agastya are among the hills that you see to the north.

The people looked prosperous and happy. 70% of the population speaks Tamil while the other 30% speak Malayalam. Three great religions, Hinduism, Christianity and Islam that have been here for centuries co-exist very amicably and peacefully. It was refreshing to see that. Temples, Churches and Mosques dot the landscape. In the next post we will see evidence of another great religion that disappeared.

You see the Kurinchi and the Marutham here.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Suchindram - Thanumalayan Temple சுசீந்திரம் தாணுமாலயன் கோயில்

The Thanumalayan or Sthanumalayan temple is one of the most popular temples in this area. It is unique as it is one of very few temples where the the triumvirate of the Hindu gods, Brahma (Ayan) the creator of the universe, Vishnu (Mal) the preserver and Siva (Thanu or Sthanu) the destroyer are venerated as principal deities in the same temple enshrining the concept of the eternal cosmic cycle. The lingam in the sanctum sanctorum represents all three gods. There is a separate shrine for Lord Vishnu and a tall 22 feet statue of Hanuman carved out of a single rock, which is one the best examples of its kind anywhere. 

It is a large temple with an outer wall enclosing multiple shrines and halls. The layout suggests that it is quite an ancient temple. It is first mentioned in the 8th century and there is inscriptional evidence that it was here in the 9th. The Pandian, Chola and Chera kings have contributed to it. The Nayakkan and later Travancore kings were very fond of this temple and made many contributions. Most of the architecture as it stands today is from the 17th century. 

The tall and majestic rajagopuram at 134 feet is visible for miles around the countryside. It is white in colour and adorned with a myriad of sculptures. But the most well known sculptural works here are the musical columns in the Alankara Mandapam. There are 4 main ones, carved out of a single granite block. There are a number of columns that make a distinct musical note when pounded upon. The technique they used to create these remains a mystery. Impressive. 

Situated midway between Kanyakumari and Nagercoil, this is a must visit temple for many reasons. Photography was tough as the temple was busy.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Nagaraja Temple - Nagercoil - A Temple for the Serpent - நாகர்கோயில்

The snake, especially the cobra, has a special place in the cultures of South Asia. The cobra is venerated as a sacred animal in many traditions including the Hindu, Jain and Buddhist. It is a mythical being in many beliefs.

Cultures that worship the snake have been around this region for centuries preceding the advent of more structured religions. With its deadly bite and appearance, the cobra was feared and respected. People never harmed these animals and it is a cardinal sin to harm a cobra in many cultures. 

Many ancient tribes have been named after the cobra. Along the coast of the Tamil country, Kerala and in Northern Sri Lanka, one or more tribes have been named as such. A people called the Nagar (நாகர்) appear in many legends, myths and historical texts in India and Sri Lanka. From the Mahavamsa and the Manimekalai to the Periplus of the Erythraean sea, snake worshipping Nagar tribes are everywhere. They seem to be one of the earliest Tamil or Tamilized tribes. In Kerala a community called the Nair derives their name from the snake. Many place names seem to remind us of the Naga tradition.

Here, in the very south of India, in the heart of the city of Nagercoil, is a temple dedicated to the snake giving the city its name. Nagaraja, the king of snakes and the cobra around Siva's neck is the main deity here. So in a way it is a temple of Siva. But there is an idol of Vishnu here making it special for Vaishnavites too. In ancient times, it appears to have been a Jain temple also. Plenty of Jain sculptures and inscriptions here. 

The architecture is not very impressive but unique. The current structure was built in the Keralan style by the Travancore kings. Snakes are encouraged to visit the temple and they say that there are two resident cobras here. They are fed with milk on a regular basis. Hundreds of idols of snakes are found everywhere. They say nobody has died of a snake bite in this area as far as anybody can remember.

The Saluvankuppam Murugan Temple - The Oldest Temple

People often ask me which is the oldest temple in Tamil Nadu. It is a tough question because many of the temples are extremely difficult to ...